keskiviikko 29. heinäkuuta 2015

Sunny Saturday’s Evening Programme

The sub camp of Africa’s show begun when a huge amount of people from Tanzania’s camp area went to the stage and one of them shouted ”Everybody clap now!” The clapping song was followed by a rhythmic song where the audience repeated what the leader sang and step by step it got louder.

Pic: Tytti Levänen

South Africa’s performance included an improvised acting game where there were two people on the stage at a time acting until someone shouted “Freeze!”, took the other person’s position and continued acting till the next “Freeze!” We saw also a few funny short plays, penguin experts and improvised bed time story where the audience decided where the story took place and who were the main characters. Later we were taught a really nice and simple Norwegian folk dance which is apparently called swing.

Let's swing!
Pic: Viivi Törmänen

From Karelian 4H there was an amazing rock band B’n’Lees giving a charity concert. The donations were for an orphanage. It was cool to see how the audience reacted according to the beat and the style of the song that B’nLees played. During a beautiful slow song people at the Pielis-Arena were in a long line hands on each other’s shoulders. As the next song had faster beat the line immediately broke and the next moment you could see people moshing their hair.

Pic: Viivi Törmänen

-Reetta Rehn

How to spend time on a long trip?

We interviewed people around the camp area about what to do on long trips. We got many answers but listening to music was the most popular one. Ina and Mickos love to listen to music and sing with other people. The second place went for sleeping. If you are on a bus/train/plane/etc. it’s not bad if you sleep for a while. The time will fly while you rest your brain. If you are going on a trip, bring your playing cards.

Pic: Viivi Törmänen

“Be social! Talk to new people.” says Pia from Norway. 

It’s true – it’s nicer to travel with company even if you haven’t seen them before. Carl likes to share his food. What an awesome icebreaker! Give someone some juice and make friends. #inspirational
If you don’t feel like talking to people, watch a movie. 

Pic: Paula Pärnänen
Eirik taught us a game, which he played on the bus. It’s simple – when you see an animal, you shout its name. You can’t say same animal twice, and you don’t count fish or birds. You can also change the rules to suit your purposes better. We think this was a genius idea.

Simon told us about this book/game/cards named Black Stories. We have never heard of it but he said it is great. What we understood was that it has a murder mystery in every story and you can find out how the person died with the cards. You can find more about this book by Googling.

If you had to choose someone to sit next to on a long trip you should totally choose Fredrik. He says he hugs everyone on trips. Who doesn’t like hugs? (And he is an amazing hugger). Lars says that you should eat. Everything.

We hope these advices are useful to you. Have a nice trip!

Ronja Ørka and Lotta Suolaniemi, media workshop

Friday’s Evening Programme

Everybody dance now!
Pic: Tytti Levänen
In friday's evening programme there were amazing movements of the camp dance and the atmosphere was what you can expect when more or less a thousand people are dancing and partying. Talented people from the sub camps of Australia and New Zealand were responsible for the programme.

Learning the moves of the camp dance
Pic: Tytti Levänen

There were spectacular performances for example acoustic music, flute playing and also a kind of jazz song. Emilia Granqvist sang her own song written last year for the Finland’s Swedish 4H. Another group lead a game where ten volunteers were asked to bring different kind of items to the stage including a Swedish girl.

Pic: Tytti Levänen
Pic: Tytti Levänen
  As New Zealand is famous for its sheep farming we were also taught how to shear a sheep.

-Reetta Rehn

tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2015

4H-shop and the nightcafe

During the camp we have had volunteers who have done amazing job in store where you can buy 4H-products and other stuff. There is also a cafeteria with hamburgers, limonades etc. 

On Wednesday this 4H-shop will move from Navetta to Pielisareena so you can shop there before you leave towards home. Maybe this Nightcafe will be open a little longer if no-one steels their freezer! :--D 

Theeeeee 4H-shop!

From 4H-shop you can buy souvenirs to your friends and parents

4H-shop! They have bags, mugs, candy, napkins, scarfs and much more. They also have some wool arts from one of the workshops that you can buy.

Prices are cheap so I definitely recommend buying this stuff so you will remember this camp every time when you need these things ;) 

For example the Topi-mugs are very high quality Arabia-products which are appreciated in Finland and all over the world!



There have been lots of costumers in Nightcafe!
Pic: Viivi Törmänen

Nightcafe workers wish flexibility from campers. They are doing great job and sleeping just a couple of hours a night but they're still serving you with smiling faces. 

So come with peace! ;) and just a little warning -  no more tricks for them - they are already tired 

- Magdaleena

Living in a tent

Pic: Julianne Malmedal

We wrote an article about how 4H’ers experience their tent life.

The questions:
  1. How do you like living in a tent?
  2.   Do you have any tips or advice to other campers?
  3.  How is it at your camp?

First we asked a single person.
Pic: Julianne Malmedal, media workshop

Maren Okkenhaug:
  1. It's wet and messy
  2. It's smart to keep it tidy and fix the mess as it comes along. Also recommend having a floor in your tent so things don't get wet.
  3. It's a lot of hay laying around here.

Then we asked a whole group.

Simen Onsum Berså, Richard Hornnaes Hovdes, Anette Hornaes, Harald Norvald Stabbetorp.
  1. Cosy, nice, messy, moist.
  2. Watch your stuff! Always have Duct tape on you!
  3. Cosy, lot of cabins and trees.

Pic: Henri, media workshop

-Stine Reitan and Trude Almaas, media workshop

maanantai 27. heinäkuuta 2015

How do you make friends on a camp?


The participants in media workshop made a little survey about making friends. This is what they came up.

-Viivi Törmänen

How to make friends on a camp?

Zahra and Pia from Norway
- Smile to the people you meet and greet them with ”Hello”. Ask them if they want to play volleyball with you.

Pic: Juuso Tiitinen, media workshop

Eirik, Julie and Harald from Norway
- Start talking to people who pass by. Just start a conversation with people you meet on the camp area.

Vivi and Carl Johan from Denmark
- Stop people you pass and start talking to them.

Tom Andre and Håkon from Norway
- Be yourself! Talk to people.

Vera and Aino from Finland
- Start a conversation for example: ”Hello, where are you from?”

Pic: Henri Petrutis, media workshop

“There are many people on the camp, it is your choice to make them your friends.” 

Siv, Synne and Vilde, media workshop

sunnuntai 26. heinäkuuta 2015

Dangers of swimming

Swimming is a great way to get exercise or to just have fun. It's also very important to succeed when you are swimming as if you fail in the wrong place and no one is around you drown. Even though drowning is the most prominent danger of swimming it's not the only one.

Pic: Juuso Tiittinen, media workshop

Other dangers include swallowing too much water which, even though it sounds pretty harmless, can actually poison you. Also animal attacks, those jellyfish can be pretty dangerous in some places. Getting struck by lightning can of course even be counted as a danger of running or bicycling or anything that makes you go outside, really.

Even though swimming has some dangers, the easiest way to drown is not having swam enough to learn it.

Mattias Lassheikki, media workshop



The Nordic 4H camp is in a full swing and I think it's time to tell you a bit about the awesome programme we have here. So, let's start with the workshops. 

During the camp we have had two days for workshops. There are a total of 41 workshops going under the four main topics HEAD, HANDS, HEART and HEALTH. Every camper gets to take part in four different workshops. There has been music, dancing, bakery, fishing, hiking, handicrafts, traditional games etc. Lots of fun stuff to do!

Pic: Emilia Granqvist
Pic: Viivi Törmänen

Pic: Emilia Granqvist

Henna tattoos. Pic: Emilia Granqvist

Would you like to have a dress made out of paper? That's what they did in one of the workshops and then they had a fashion show for the other groups. I wonder if the paper costumes would survive in the beat of the afrodance.

Pic: Emilia Granqvist
Pic: Viivi Törmänen

In one of the workshops the group got to build their own raft out of hay and tarp! How cool is that? I was sure it wouldn't float but I was proved wrong. They even had a little race when they got the rafts in the water.

Pic: Viivi Törmänen

We had also a media workshop. The participants got to know how our camp radio works and made some broadcasts, learned to take better pictures and wrote articles for this blog. We are going to publish those later, so stay tuned!

-Viivi Törmänen

torstai 23. heinäkuuta 2015

Some of Camp managers

In this post I introduce important persons, who has enabled this spectacular event.

First of all!

The camp leader Päivi Haapasalo

Päivi Haapasalo 

Works in finnish 4H organization

Her title is secretary for international affairs

She wants to wish everyone a memorable Nordic Camp 2015. Get lots of experiences and new friends.

Vice leader Camilla Wahlsten

Camilla Wahlsten

Manager at Finlands svenska 4H

Likes sports and loves golf

Most of all she wants to say campers that enjoy the week and get lots of memories and friends 

Tinna Rinne is responssible for planning programmes

Tiina Rinne

Works in 4H organization as a graphic designer

In freetime she like's to spend time at the summercottage 

She  like's also gardening

Juha Ruuska is responsible for safety

Juha Ruuska

Works in 4H organization working as development manager

In camp he is responsible for safety, first aid and maintenance

He hopes that it would be a safety camp without bigger accidents. Enjoy!

Aino Saarela is responsible for foodservice

- Magdaleena

Aino Saarela


Her favorite food is lasagne 

In freetime she take walks with her dog

She hopes that all of campers would eat enough and hopes flexibility

keskiviikko 15. heinäkuuta 2015

May I introduce - Our camp area!

On this post I will introduce some important parts of our camp area.

First of all - more than welcome to the Hyvärilä!

This is the mainbuilding of Hyvärilä's area. If you have any special diet you will get your foods from there and after that you can come to dine with others. (Except vegetarians, whos get their food from Pielisareena).

Pielisareena. The most important place on camp!  Dining place. In this building our lovely volunteers will take care that all of you get filled. If you are vegetarian you will get your food from there also. 

First aid building. If you need something -  example plasters you will get those from this building. Some of the first aid persons will walk around on the camp area also. But remember take your personal medicines and painkillers with you because we are not allowed give those to you.

This building is called Navetta, which means barn in english. Some  workshops will be in this building

And this building is for volunteers. Campers are not allowed to come to building

 Camp area is big and you see only some parts of it on these pictures. We cannot wish any better place to gather and have an awesome week together! Can't wait the camp and most of all, the campers! :)

 - Magdaleena

perjantai 22. toukokuuta 2015

Talkoolaiset kouluttautuu!

Tänään kokoonnuimme Hyvärilän lomakeskukseen Nurmekseen kouluttautumaan Pohjoismaisen 4H-leirin talkoolaisväeksi. Tulemme siis olemaan tulevalla leiripaikalla koko tämän viikonlopun ajan tutustuen toisiimme ja leirin aktiviteetteihin. Talkoolaisia leirillä tulee olemaan kaiken kaikkiaan 140.

Ensimmäinen päivä starttasi, milläs muullakaan kuin päivällisellä (onneksi, kun koulutuspaikalle saapuessa oli jo pitkä päivä ja ajomatka takana) :)

Saimme infokuoren, jonka sisältä löytyi leiriohjelma. Tämän lisäksi saimme tämän koulutusviikonlopun aikataulun, alueen kartat sekä talkoolaispassit. Virallinen kouluttautumisosuus alkoi leirivastaavien esittelyllä. Esittelytuokion jälkeen pääsimme tutustumaan toisiimme testaten leirillekin tulevia ice breaker -pelejä.

Infokuoren sisältä löytyi My Identity tähti, jonka sakarat tuli täyttää asioilla, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet omaan persoonaan. Tähdet kiinnitettiin seinälle - ehkäpä huomenna selviää, mikä jatkotarkoitus näillä on ;)

Pohjoismaisen 4H-leirin käsikirja!

Kuvassa yksi joukkueista raparalli -pelin tiimellyksessä!

Ohjatun ohjelman jälkeen kävimme Saaran kanssa tutustumassa lähialueen kauniisiin maisemiin!

- Magdaleena

torstai 16. huhtikuuta 2015

Lähde sinäkin mukaan elämysleirille! :)

Pohjoismainen leiri on tänä vuonna Suomessa järjestettävä megatapahtuma!

Leiriviikkona pääset kokemaan paljon erilaisia elämyksiä: musiikkia, taidetta, luonnossa liikkumista ja erilaisia työpajoja. Itse henkilökohtasesti odotan eniten koskenlaskua pelonsekaisin tuntein! ;)

Leirille osallistuu noin tuhat nuorta ympäri maailmaa! Pohjoismaista, muista Euroopan maista, Afrikasta, Aasiasta, Yhdysvalloista ja Kanadasta. Leirillä pääset siis tekemään paljon uusia tuttavuuksia ja luomaan ystävyyssuhteita yli rajojen.

Leiriohjelma kuulostaa minun mielestäni todella monipuoliselta ja jokaiselle varmasti löytyy mieleistä puuhaa! Työpajoissa voit opetella esimerkiksi uuden taidon tai kehittää itseäsi, pääset tutustumaan muun muassa afrodanceen, tekemään erilaisia kädentöitä, kehittämään ilmaisutaitoja, osallistumaan vaellusretkelle, kokeilemaan koskenlaskua sekä tekemään paljon muita kivoja juttuja yhdessä muitten nuorten kanssa.

Leiri-ilmoittautuminen on auki vielä tämän kuun loppuun halvemmalla hinnalla, joten käy tutustumassa lisää leirin ohjelmaan ja ilmoittaudu mukaan täältä.

- Magdaleena