tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2015

Living in a tent

Pic: Julianne Malmedal

We wrote an article about how 4H’ers experience their tent life.

The questions:
  1. How do you like living in a tent?
  2.   Do you have any tips or advice to other campers?
  3.  How is it at your camp?

First we asked a single person.
Pic: Julianne Malmedal, media workshop

Maren Okkenhaug:
  1. It's wet and messy
  2. It's smart to keep it tidy and fix the mess as it comes along. Also recommend having a floor in your tent so things don't get wet.
  3. It's a lot of hay laying around here.

Then we asked a whole group.

Simen Onsum Berså, Richard Hornnaes Hovdes, Anette Hornaes, Harald Norvald Stabbetorp.
  1. Cosy, nice, messy, moist.
  2. Watch your stuff! Always have Duct tape on you!
  3. Cosy, lot of cabins and trees.

Pic: Henri, media workshop

-Stine Reitan and Trude Almaas, media workshop

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